The ‘baby one’ introduction

This prototype was made a few years ago out of odds and ends. It is the last of  the initial versions that employed a worm and wheel mechanism to drive the head, neck and jaws.


The worm and wheel gears are plastic and subject to a lot of wear, the jaws are a bit rough, the teeth are rudimentary (pieces of clear tubing cut at an angle to make them ‘sharp’). Also the angle of the head is pointing downwards a bit too steeply. The red leg spindles are too long and need shortening and the green claws need to be modified to enable them to slip under excessive loads.

The plan is to:

-Trim the red spindles

-Modify the green claws to feature a simple adjustable slip clutch

-Use a crank-type mechanism (again with a slip clutch) to drive the lunging and biting mechanism

-Redesign the head/jaws and teeth.