Baby prototype: modifying the neck and linkage
There were a number of things that needed to be done: the whole head/neck assembly tended to point too steeply downwards, the jaws were originally cut out very quickly and were thus a bit rough and the ‘kinked’ neck strut had snapped….The following is a report on how these have been remedied.
The broken kinked strut is shown below.
A new strut was made using welding rod and electical eyelets.
I then made a longer aluminium bar to link the head to the red horizontal neck section with a bend which would make the head agle less steep. I also smothed the rough edges of the black jaws.
Modified head and neck section shown below.
Next task is to replace the 200:1 motor/gearbox that drives the head & neck with a 120:1 version to speed it up.